A police officer stops a man on the highway. The man says “Did you stop me for speeding?”
The officer replies “Yes, I stopped you for speeding”
The man replies “Well I have a gun in my glove compartment, and have a dead body in my trunk”
The officer pulls back and calls for back up and waits. Minute’s later back up arrives. The second officer says “My partner says you had a dead body in the trunk and a gun is the glove compartment.”
So the cop checks the glove compartment, no gun. He checks the trunk, no body.
Officer 2 asks, “Do you have a gun?”
The man says, “No, sir.”
“Did you steal this car?”
At last policeman 2 says, “My partner said you had a dead body and a gun.”
The guy replies, “I bet he said I was speeding too!!!”