One thought on “President Obama has been named as the 5th best President of the US”

  1. I commend sen obama’s rentraist when it seemed as if Sen McCain was trying bully him with various statements and aalso trying to qualify himself by stating sen obama just did not understand . Well in Sen Obama’s closing statement or even earlier I was just wished that he would have said the one thing that I do understand is this country cannot go through another 8 years of what we’ve been through. And I believe that a vast majority of America wouldagree with you because it seems as if some are now starting to feel the pinch of recession, the same pinch most Americans have been feeling for the past 2 to 6 years. Something is wrong when you can bail out institutions,banking investment firms, we can even finance a war. But we can’t give ours kids a decent education, we can’t find a way for the elderly to chose between medicine and food and I know why and no one is saying it, there’s no profit in peace, no profit in financing healthcare for young or old no profit. I know that things cost money but you’ll find that you’ll become the biggest arms dealer in the world (President’s real job). Please don’t forget WHO YOU ARE becausethe shoes you about to step into come with many acessories like Masks yes many masks you’ll have to wear. Oops did not mean to sound like Sen McCain but sometimes we as little people really don’t have any say because who’s listening. Those who are in power say that they understand what we are going through. You know in hindsight I’m glad that you don’t understand.

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